Experiential School News

April 21, 2017

Posted by Betty Gootson on Apr 20, 2017 8:19:39 PM

Students teaching students

Mrs. Carson’s Alpha class visited Mrs. O'Mullane's second grade class to learn about one of their favorite things on our beautiful earth, caterpillars! The second graders are raising Painted Lady butterflies and were happy and proud to share their knowledge with their younger schoolmates. It was so much fun to share the experience of watching the caterpillars and learning that they plan to share again throughout the metamorphosis process. 

caterpillars in school

Completing Circuits

The children learned all about circuits this week as they used Makey Makey to create different types of music. Their first step was to make a bracelet from aluminum foil, which is what was needed to complete the circuit at each music station. Then they used carrots to play the piano, baskets covered in foil to make bongos and even their bare feet on a large floor piano! 

creating circuits makey makey preschool florida

Finally - An Eggplant!

Last year, The Experiential School students planted eggplant seeds and have patiently watered and watched these vines grow. This week, their patience paid off with the excited discovery by one of the children of a small purple eggplant. The question now is, what shall they make with it when it is ready to pick? 

growing an eggplant garden

Studying the Sea

The Junior Kindergartners have begun their study of the ocean and the life within it. Their adventures included creating an under, and on the water wonderland in their loft by making “sea” chains and tracing, cutting and decorating a variety of sea life where they now enjoy fishing above and sea explorations with light below. 

learning about under water creatures

Hands-on discovery is always most exciting, and using magnifying glasses to observe  living clams and mussels was no exception. They also enjoyed examining shells that once housed these sea creatures. 

living clams magnifying glass

All that Jazz

As part of our annual Celebrate the Arts week, The Experiential School students enjoyed extending the knowledge of jazz they’ve been studying in Music Class with Ms. Kemp at a live performance courtesy of Clearwater Jazz Education Outreach (part of Clearwater Jazz Holiday). These seasoned musicians engaged the children in the spirit and stories of Jazz as they taught them a bit about it’s origins. You can watch some of their performance on our Facebook page.

outdoor jazz festival

Lots more learning

From playing bingo using beginning sounds, to building LEGO towers while matching upper and lower case letters, to decorating the covers of new journals, to sifting through sand for numbered shells and then putting them in sequence, the Junior Kindergarten students kept busy  while loving every moment of their learning! 

bingo and manipulatives

Take a look, too, at their collaborative efforts of building with cartons and recycled materials. The final result for this group was a grocery store, complete with signs and even a shopping cart created by one enterprising student!

making a cardboard grocery store

View our week in photos here.

Topics: Preschool

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